Mr. Zer0’s On The Radi0 Spring 2020 Dr. Rox Remember When? June 2020 Article #112 So it looks like most of us survived the “Pretendemic” hopefully you all had time to catch my Spring Radio Shows, in case you missed them, here…
“Mr. Zer0’s on the Radi0 February 2020” Article #108 for Radi0 for Frogtown Radio WFNU .org 94.1 FM By: RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0 Hear we are again, since everyone is locked down with not a lot to do I thought I…
Mr. Zer0’s on the Radi0 Dr. Rox Time Machine WFNU Article #106 Jan 2020 By: RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0 Greetings Fans, So it’s an all New Year, and year #9 of me writing these articles for you. I was puzzled as…
Mr. Zero’s Annual Xmass Shows x3 Dr. Rox Time Machine Article #106 Dec 2019 By: RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0 For WFNU: St. Paul So it’s that time again, Christmas time is here again, ain’t been round since who knows when.…
“8th Anniversary Of Music History Articles” WDGY-Patch: (Article #98-A) April 1998 By: RLSchwinden aka: MrZerr0 So all the way back in Fall 2008 while I was with a different “Used Media Store” I saw on the “Sales Reports” the…
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