1st Anniversary for MrZerr0 on Radio WFNU Dr. Rox Remember When? (Article #104: Oct-2019) So it’s the 11th Halloween at Mr. Zero’s 55113, but it is also the 1st Anniversary of MrZerr0 on Frogtown Radio WFNU 94.1 FM…
“The End came 50 years ago today” Dr. Rocks Remember When? For KFAI: Article #84-9 March 2018 By: RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0. It was 50 years ago this week the TV Show “The Monkees” was canceled from its original run; 12 September…
Greetings, As it was Mr. Zero’s 6th Anniversary on 14 April 2015 Tues, I was able to perform my annual Guest DJ Spot “PsychoGello Radio Show” on KFAI 90.3fm & 106.7am on the Show “The Pop Shop” with DJ Izzy…
The Pop Shop: KFAI Radio 9 Oct 2012 BIG THANK YOU to everyone who pledged to the Pop Shop and KFAI during the fall pledge drive! We raised more than $66,000 for the station! This week, Liberty Finch and DJ…
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