MrZerr0’s Favorite Toys

Aug 2021

“MrZerr0’s Favorite Toys” 

Dr. Rox Remember When? 

Article #126; Aug 2021


By: RL Schwinden aka MrZerr0

   Continuing in the Series “Mr. Zer0’s Favorites” this time around we are going to discuss Mr. Zer0’s Favorite Toys. Especially since Action Figures and Toys are 25% of Mr. Zer0’s Total Business. You see for the past 12 years Mr. Zer0’s has had a constant problem of trying to drive the message home of What We Do: 25% Music: Records & CDs & Cassettes, 25% Retro Toys & Action Figures, 25% Vintage Video Games: Nintendo & Sega & Playstation, and 25% Movies: VHS & DVD , vs. what people think we do and we simply do not carry: EX. Any Type of: Sports, Cigarette, Alcohol, Drug Paraphernalia, Porno, or a Pawn Shop or anything along those lines. Never have and never will. There are plenty of Other Stores Who Do sell that “Stuff”. For a prime example, Today’s Customer Request: “Do you buy Used Gift Cards?” (really, who would?) or even last week’s example “Would you go buy a Cell Phone Card for me and I can pay you later?” (sorry, no, that’s NOT: Music, Games, Toys or Movies), I digress ….

So as I covered last month as a kid I moved 19 times in just 17 years, and my 3 sisters & brother are considerably younger than me, and my Uncle John and Aunts Cat & Laur were not always around. I spent a lot of time alone in my room entertaining myself. One great thing was I had a vivid imagination. And I loved toys and music, NOT Comics or Sports.  Back in the “Olden Days” where I lived we only had 1 TV and 4 Channels on TV; NBC, CBS, ABC & PBS, not even a local station like Des Moines or the Twin Cities, just 4 channels, and No remotes, I was my Mom’s remote, (“Go change it to 14”) and VHS had not been invented yet, so you could not watch a film any time you wanted.

Now I was in a unique situation, my oldest sister is 6 years younger than me, but my Uncle John is 5 1/2 years older than me, and my Aunt Cat is 1 1/2 older and Laur is 5 weeks younger !!!!! I was very close to them growing up. For some odd reason I was really attracted to my Uncle John’s toys, which by the time I discovered them, they were long out of production, for example the “1964 Mattel Zero M Sonic Blaster” “1965  Mattel Creeple Peeple” “1966 Mattel Monkees Talking Hand Puppet” and “1968 Mattel Strange Change Machine”. It just seemed to me all the really cool and interesting toys were my Uncle’s as you could no longer buy them in the stores; this made me want them that much more. So as of today the toys I mostly collect are from 1964 to 1972, if you’re wondering. Now while I have always been a huge fan of The Monkees “Music” I was not a big fan of the toys, I only started collecting the toys in about 1990 and only stepped it up in 2017.

So the 1st toys I can remember being into, was anything “Batman” like the “1966 Ideal Batman Cowl and Cape” which I received for Xmas ’66, I have photos of me wearing it.  And the “1966 Ideal Official Batman 3 Figure Set” which my Aunt Laur and I threw “The Joker” down the heat vent in my grandma’s house, when my Grandparents moved from 1706 Villa in Sioux City, I so wanted to take the ductwork apart to see if I could find that figure, I didn’t. The next big thing for me was the early 60s “1963 Hasbro G.I. Joe” I just loved the weapons and accessories, like the diving helmet, the scuba tanks, the radio, the bayonet, the life raft etc. Here’s a story for you, Uncle Scott’s Mom Ruth, used to work for the Hasbro manufacturing plant in Rhode Island, “I asked how cool, what did you do?” she responded “Putting together Mr. Potato Head bodies” I said “Really, how was that?” she answered “Boring, one day my boss asked me to step up my production, I asked are you gonna pay me more? He said “No” so I said “Then you get what you get” I (Ruth) did used to get to buy Scott (my uncle) G.I. Joe accessories at cost, he has quite the vintage collection, somewhere”

My Mom told me she bought me a Beatles “Yellow Submarine” around 1968, but I don’t remember much about that. Here again while I loved The Beatles music I didn’t much care for the toys, I didn’t start collecting Beatles toys until 1989 or so. I do remember my Dad buying me a gold “1968 Hot Wheels Red Line Barracuda” I did find a replacement for this in Phoenix in 1997.

 Now hanging out with a lot of people 2 to 6 years older than me, I used to see a lot of WWII plastic toy soldiers at other people’s houses, again these were long out of production where I lived, and there were no vintage shops yet. Louis Marx Toy Company began issuing in 1958 through their heyday in 1963. Some of the pieces of sets I saw were;

“1959 Fort Apache” My Cousin Mike had most of it.

“1962 Flintstones” My Uncle John had most of this one.

“1964 Revolutionary War” My neighbor Eugene had a few pieces.

Starting on Xmas 1968 I started getting my own New Sets. The 1st one I got was

“1968 Cape Kennedy” in a metal case.

 In 1972 Marx sold to the Quaker Oats Company, they started re-issuing the sets to Sears and Woolco. I vividly remember my birthday in 1972, my Mom & Dad took me to Woolco at the Sunset Plaza with $5.oo to spend to get a toy. I knew what I wanted. “1972 Battleground” WWII playset, and Nothing else, however it was $7.99 + 2% Sales Tax. Well, like I said I only had $5.oo. The next part of this story is one of my Dad’s shining moments, in my eyes. My Dad asked me “So what did you want to get?” I pointed to “Battleground” he said “But you have $5.00, isn’t there anything else you want?” I said “Nope, just that” he replied “There has to be something else here” I responded “No, just that” he came back with “But you don’t have enough, that toy is $7.99 and you only have $5.oo”  Now I  must point out, it is not that my Dad was unwilling to spend more money, it was that he worked at Woolco making a retail wage, with a wife and 3 kids, it was more he did not have the extra money on that day. I said “Then let’s go home” my Mom tapped him on the shoulder the they spoke really close face to face, my Dad turned around and said “Ok” he counted back the first 3 boxes, grabbed the 4th one, looked at me and said “Never take the one in front” put it under his arm went to the cash register and he paid the difference. Little did he know How He Made My day buying this toy I had wanted for so long. Later in 1977 he did the exact same thing for my birthday but with “KISS: Alive” record LP. I have never forgotten about this Dad. I did get the “1972 Blue & Gray” Civil War set for Xmas ‘73, and the “1975 Prehistoric” Dinosaurs and Cavemen set for my birthday in 1975.

Now, from the very 1st time I saw an ad for “Planet Of The Apes” I was hooked, back then that was my jam, as much as KISS is now. I started collecting anything “Planet Of The Apes” I could. I 1st got the 1973 Aurora model kits, “Dr. Zaius” “Cornelius” “General Ursus” and “General Aldo” as well as the 3 puzzles and board game and 3″ figures and comics.  In 1972 the MEGO toy company started releasing 8″ action figures, on Xmas ’74, I got the “1974 Mego Planet Of The Apes” action figures, “Dr. Zaius” “Gorilla Soldier” and the “Astronaut” and “Ape City” play set.

In about 1975 I started building model kits, from the influence of my next door neighbor Chuck. My favorite manufacturer by far was Tamiya, followed by Monogram, Revell & Aurora. I built everything, from tanks, to jeeps to planes to ships, even cars. As I mentioned it was about 1976 I rediscovered my record collection, Beatles, Monkees, Steppenwolf, Osmond Brothers, Black Sabbath & KISS and I gave up on toys, until about 1990 or so.

And there you have it folks, another installment of MrZerr0’s favorites. Dedicated to my Son Oblieon. Check back next month, for more info!

And be sure to tune in every week, for the past 4 years at 7am Sunday on St. Paul Radi0 WDGY 740AM, Streaming, FM: 92.1, 103.7, 107.1 for “Mr. Zer0’s PsychoGello Show” you can hear past episodes of MrZerr0’s shows at www.MixCloud.Com and www.MrZeroS.Com -Podcast.

Check into:

The Annual “Northland Toy Show”

1st Sunday in May Every Year

at The State Fairgrounds in St. Paul, MN.


“Scale Model Supply”

458 Lexington Pkwy N, St Paul, MN 55104
#651. 646. 7781


Mr. Zer0’s


1744 Lexington Ave N. 

Roseville, MN. 55113


“Nerd Is The Word” 

25% Classic Music

25% Vintage Video Games

25% Retro Toys

25% Movies ….

And That’s IT! 

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Mr. Zer0’s Favorite TV Shows

55113 Roseville

Mr. Zer0’s Favorite TV Shows:

Dr. Rox Remember When? 

WDGY Article #125: July 2021

By RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0 


So when I was growing up my family moved some 19 times in just 17 years, from Iowa to Montana to Mississippi and back to Iowa, yes we moved a lot. It was for various reasons from living in a small Apt to a larger Apt. to renting a house to buying a house to moving  out of state etc. Therefore I attended some 10 schools in  13 years, always being the “New Kid” I watched a lot of TV growing up. Recently I was talking with a friend about how I loved shows that offered the idea of an “Alternate Timeline” but not limited to Sci-Fi, I decided  to cover some of my all time favorite TV Shows and how I discovered them and why I like them.



“Twilight Zone” 1959 to 1964 for 156 Episodes

When I used to stay at my Grandma Marge’s we, my 2 aunts and & I, used to stay up late, for us, anyway, and this is where I 1st saw this TV show. Back then the TV upstairs had just 2 channels, so we were very limited to what we could watch. However this  show really appealed to my Imagination. Without a doubt my favorite episode was “Two” Episode #66 from 1961

“Outer Limits” 1963 to 1965 for 49 Episodes

Now this show I discovered on my own, in Sioux City this show came on at midnight on Saturday nights. So I would try my hardest to stay awake and watch this show on my little Panasonic Portable TV. Hands down my favorite episode is “Soldier” Episode #34 from 1964.


“Star Trek” 1966 to 1969 for 80 Episodes

I am pretty sure I stumbled on this show as a toddler watching “Batman” and “Lost In Space” as well as the next show listed. As a toddler I just knew after dinner these TV Shows I liked were on about  6 to 7 pm, I just ran over to the TV and waited. IProbably my 1st crush was on Actress Grace Lee Whitney. I was able to meet her in MPLS in 2000. I would have to say my favorite episode is “Space Seed” Episode #22 from 1967.


“The Monkees” 1966 to 1968 for 58 Episodes. 

Now this one my Father told me I would run to the TV to watch after dinner, and so when my son “Oblieon” was still a baby I would try to get him to sleep by watching this show, when he would hear the opening drum beat he would crawl as a fast as he could over to see the TV, just like me, he seemed to be more interested in the music than the show itself. If I had to pick a favorite I would say “Too Many Girls” Episode #15 from 1966.


“Time Tunnel” 1966 to 1967 for 30 Episodes

This one I vaguely remember seeing here and there back then. This is the 1st real show I remember about time travel. As my family had just gone to Disneyland, and I was able to board a wooden sail ship, I fell in love with these vessels, so I would have to say my favorite one from this show is “Pirate’s Of Deadman’s Island” Episode #23 from 1967.


“Night Gallery” 1969 to 1973 for 98 Episodes

This show my Uncle John used to watch with Ruth S. on Saturday nights when he was babysitting me. There were 2 episodes that scared me to death, one was about a haunted movie theatre, the other about a merry go round horse. But I guess I would pick, for my favorite “Fright Night” Episode #87 from 1972.


“UFO” 1970 to 1971 & 1973 for 26 Episodes

Now this show I vividly remember as a young boy on 34th & Douglas street, Sunday afternoons about 5pm on PBS. It seemed so much more “New” than “Star Trek” and the episode that freaked me out was “The Man Who Came Back” Episode #16 from 1971.


“Partridge Family” 1970 to 1974 for 96 Episodes 

This show my Aunt Cat got me into because she was getting the records and she showed me the TV on Friday nights. I remember Friday night family dinner from McDonald’s and we would watch “Wait Til Your Father Gets Home” then this show. As I have loved Annetyte O’Toole literally all of my life,   I would pick “Partridge Up A Pear Tree” Episode #21 from 1971.

There was also a cartoon from 1974 to 1975 for 16 Episodes.


“Planet Of The Apes” 1974 for 14 Episodes

Yes, it’s true, they made the movies into a TV series, and I could not wait. We just moved to Jackson, MS. and I had no friends but my Uncle Tom so I eagerly awaited every Friday night, except one night the show was preempted. I had to wait about 30 years when this show came out on DVD to see that particular episode. My favorite from this series is “The Trap” Episode #3 from 1974

They made a cartoon series too  “Return To The Planet Of The Apes” 1975 to 1976 for 13 Episodes “The Unearthly Prophecy”  Episode #3 from 1975.


“Kolchack: Night Stalker” 1974 to  1975  for 20 Episodes

Here’s another one I found myself being home on Friday nights with no friends in Miss. Another show that scared me to death.

“They Have Been, They Are, They Will Be…” Episode #3 from 1974


“Young Ones” 1982 for 1984 for 12 Episodes

Now this show I was introduced to by my former Lead Guitarist Paul “Snake” K. as he liked the scene with ‘Motorhead’ so I checked out a few shows and realized it was an updated version of “The Monkees” but way more funny. For my favorite I would choose

“Time” Episode #4 from 1984.


“Voyagers” 1982 to 1983 for 20 Episodes 

Having just moved to Des Moines, IA. in 1984, again having not many friends, being home alone on a Friday night I somehow caught this show, with my favorite theme “Alternate Timeline” and “Time Travel” I would have to choose this one as my favorite “The Day The Rebs Took Lincoln” Episode #7.


“NYPD Blue” 1993 to 2005 for 261 Episodes 

NOw I vividly remember how I caught this show Andy Sipowicz calls a pimp “Swizzle Stick” and this struck me as so funny, I began watching this show from that point on. I have to say by now I have watched every episode at least 5 times. I fell in love  with Charlotte Ross. Many people close to me  will tell you I  am a lot like “Sipowicz”  The one that hit home for me was “Danny Boy” #116 from 1998


“Sliders” 1995 to 2000 for 88 Episodes

Yet another show I discovered sitting home alone on a Friday night, which was ok by me, as I loved how many different ideas this show came up with in the “Alternate Timeline” I found it fascinating. It’s hard to chose which one is my favorite so I will pick so I’ll list these 2;

“Summer Of Love” Episode #6 from 1995  “Invasion”   Episode #22 from 1996


“Homicide Life On The Streets” 1993 to 1999 for 122 Episodes 

Ok, a pattern is starting to emerge here, another show I stumbled on sitting home on a Friday night. I was blown away by Andre Braugher I just loved the way he spoke. I remember when the show got canceled, I was devastated, but my co-worker Hiu Ho told me “You can always watch it in reruns” she was so smart and cool. The one that hooked me was “Every Mother’s Son” #22 from  1995


“Brimstone” 1998- 1999 for 13 Episodes

Unbelievably another Friday night find, I liked this show because there were no blurred lines of good vs bad. Also one of the regular cast, I went to North Jr. with Lori Petty.  My favorite is one I actually watched with my gal at the time. “It’s  A Helluva Life” Episode #12 from 1999


“Flight Of The Conchords” 2007 to 2009 for 22 Episodes

This would be the newest addition to my list. My good friends Nick and Imogene turned me onto this show a few years ago. At first I did not know what to think then I saw Episode #7 “Drive By” as I think Sarah Wynter is the most beautiful woman who ever lived, my favorite is

“Unnatural Love” Episode  #17 from 2009


Well there you have folks, some suggestions for 13 hours of TV viewing that you not have seen before. Next time I think I will cover Books as my little man Oblieon Loves Books. Be sure to look into our Social Media: Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, fb, MySpace, Pintrest, YouTube and listen in every Sunday 7am on Radi0 WDGY: 740AM,  Streaming, FM: 92.1, 103.7, 107.1 for Mr. Zer0’s PsychoGello Radi0 Show, that you can hear past Episodes @ www.MrZeroS.Com -Podcast and hear our other past shows “Evolation Show” and “Hits And History” on MixCloud.Com under “MrZeros”

Until the next time … MrZerr0


Mr. Zer0’s Inc.

*Est. 2009

1744 Lexington Ave. N.

Roseville, MN. 55113

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Tribute To: Missy Marrz

Article #124

“Missy Marrz”

Dr. Rox Remember When?  

Article #124 June 2021

By: RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0 


So in June 2003 I moved to Eagan, and soon after my new neighbors, Bonz & Family moved in. Within a couple years they introduced me to the wife’s childhood friend “Missy”. In 2009 I opened Mr. Zer0’s Roseville 55113. In 2010 Missy wandered in, and we began to talk, turns out Missy and I had some of the exact same taste in music. In early 2012 I needed a Model for Mr. Zer0’s I asked Missy, If she would be interested, she said yes she was, this began a nearly 10 year musical friendship. At 1st she was just a photo model and appeared in our commercials. In 2015 Missy played a few songs in person in Mr. Zer0’s, In April 2018 we had Missy play our 9th “National Record Store Day” the following month we had Missy play “Maverick’s” next door. Then the following month Missy made her 1st of 12 appearances on Mr. Zer0’s “PsychoGello Show” Missy got so popular she was courted by WDGY & WVIC. Later around this same time   I produced a Demo CD of 12 songs mostly originals and a few covers for Missy. In 2018 she wrote and recorded our theme song “Mr. Zero And Me”. Missy played in several local bands “PopShot” “Dirty Reggae Punks” & “Fabulous Mushroomz”. Well in June Missy moved away to “the Hand” state, but before she left we managed to crank out 2 more “PsychoGello Shows” so here we go the tribute to Missy Marrz.


“Tribute To Missy Marrz” Episode #197

“Girl” Beatles: Dec 1965 (Liverpool, England)

“See The Way” Black Diamonds: Nov 1966 (New South Wales, Australia)

“With A Girl like You” Troggs: July 1966 (Andover, England)

“Sunny Girlfriend” Monkees: May 1967 (Hollywood)

“Shackles And Chains” Steppenwolf: Nov 1971 (Ontario, Canada)

“I Believe” Stevie Wonder: Oct 1972 (Saginaw, MI)

“Genesis” Jorma Kaukonen: May 1974 (Washington D.C.)

“Hello Again” Tommy Bolin: Sept 1976 (Sioux City, IA)

“Girlfriend” Matthew Sweet: Feb 2001 (Lincoln, NE)


“The Missy Marrz Show” Episode #199

“Eve Of Destruction” Barry McGuire: Aug 1965 (Oklahoma City)

“Sunny Afternoon” Kinks: July 1966  (London,England)

“Not To Touch The Earth” Doors: July 1968 (L.A.)

“While My Guitar Gently Weeps” Beatles: Nov 1968 (Liverpool, England)

“Can You Dig It?” Monkees: Dec 1968 (Hollywood)

“Monster” Steppenwolf: Nov 1969 (Ontario, Canada)

“Dead Finks Don’t Talk” Brian Eno (Suffolk, England)

“Bump And Grind” Black Oak Arkansas: 1975 (Black Oak ,Arkansas)

“Nobody’s Fault” Aerosmith: MAy 1976 (Boston, Mass)

“Learn To Fly” Daisy Dillman: 1978 (Excelsior, MN)


Also in June it’s Father’s Day, so for my little Son Oblieon, so with Oblieon I created this “Father’s Day Show for my son, and all of the other Dad’s out there.


“Father’s Day Show” Episode #198

“Daddy Cool” The Rays: May 1957 (NYC)

“My Dad” David Jones (Monkees): 1965 (Manchester, England)

“Daddy You’ve Been On My Mind” Judy Collins: Sep 1965 (Seattle)

“Daddy’s Song” (Harry) Nilsson: July 1968 (NYC)

“Daddy’s Little Man” O.C. Smith: 1969 #34 (Mansfield, LA)

“Daddy Don’t You Walk So Fast” Wayne Newton: April 1972 #4 (Norfolk, VA)

“Father To Son” Queen: Mar 1974 (London, England)

“Oh Daddy” Fleetwood Mac: Feb 1977 (London, England)

“Daddy Rollin Stone” Johnny Thunders, Phil Lynott  & Steve Marriott: Oct 1978 (Queens, NY)


Remember folks tune in to MrZerr0 every Sunday 7am on St. Paul /Hudson Radi0 WDGY 740Am, Streaming, FM: 92.1, 103.7, 107.1.

You can hear the past 90 Episodes of the “PsychoGello Show” and The “Cover Up Show” at ww.MrZeroS.Com -Podcast. You can hear 32 Episodes of Mr. Zer0’s “Evolation Show” and 17 Episodes of “Hits And History Show” on www.MixCloud.Com under MrZeros.


Until the next time …. I am MrZerr0 and my favorite color is Purple.

Mr. Zer0’s 

*Est. 2009

1744 Lexington Ave. N.

Roseville, MN. 55113


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The Guitarists That Changed The Face Of Music

Mr. Zer0's 55113

“Guitarists That Changed The Face Of Music”

Dr. Rox Remember When?

Article #123: May 2021

By: RL Schwinden aka MrZerr0


When I was a kid growing up on the Westside of Sioux City, I loved music and though my Dad (Bill Jr.) was a drummer, I was drawn to the guitar on songs like Beatles: “Day Tripper” with George Harrison and Monkees “Last Train To Clarksville” with Gerry McGee on Lead Guitar and Osmonds “Hold Her Tight” with Wayne Osmond on Lead Guitar. In 1971 my Uncle Jeff gave me  my 1st guitar an Egmund acoustic, it was  hard enough to play  that thing, much less to play Leads on it, so I resided myself to playing Rhythm Guitar. Though I always wanted to play Lead Guitar, like my Uncle Jeff’s acquaintance Tommy Bolin from 27th and Clark who had just left Sioux City and put out the 1st Zephyr Album in 1969.


In 1973 my Dad bought me a WB Records 4 LP set that had artists like Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin etc. it was then I really discovered the power of the Lead Guitar, and I really began to research the artists I had admired so much. In about 1982 I read an interview with Tony Iommi, who had mentioned he was talking to Pete Willis, from Def Leppard, and Willis had this to say “When it comes to learning how to imitate your guitar idols, the best way to do this is to find out Who, they were influenced by, obtain some records by those influenced your hero and start there, you will have a better understanding of that guitarist’s style. Take my band’s (Def Leppard) guitarists, myself and (Steve) Clark, he studied music, so he knows the theory and rules, I studied my heroes influences, so I (Willis) don’t” This set me on a journey of researching who influenced the guitarist I admired, which eventually lead to me compiling this list, and eventually creating this 2 part radio show for WDGY.


“PsychoGello Show Episode #192” 9 May 2021 on Radi0 WDGY


Chuck Berry: “Roll  Over Beethoven” May 1956 (#42)

Charles Edward Anderson Berry: 18 Oct 1926 St. Louis, MO. – 8 Mar 2017

25 Albums and 54 Singles

In my opinion the Originator, all things “Rock” Guitar extend from Chuck Berry, though Chuck took lessons from Ira Harris, it was Berry that put out the Rock N Roll Records, with the 2 string  “E-B” & “B-G” bends, the foundation of the Rock Lead Solo.


Jimi Hendrix: “Voodoo Chile (slight return) Oct 1968

Johnny Allen Hendrix : 27 Nov 1942 Seattle, WA. – 18 Nov 1970

5 Albums and 11 Singles

So Chuck Berry invented the Rock N Roll guitar style, Hendrix took the guitar to a whole new level, with his usage of the “Wah Wah Pedal” and the “Tremolo Bar” and “Fuzz Face” distortion pedal. Using all of these to create a whole new sound by rethinking the way the guitar was played.

One of Jimi’s main influences was Eddie Cochran.


Jimmy Page: “Four Sticks” Nov 1971

James Patrick Page: 9 Jan 1944 Middlesex, ENG.

Yardbirds: 1 Album and 4 Singles, Led Zeppelin:13 Albums and 12 Singles,  The Firm: 2 Albums,  Solo: 10 Albums and 1 Single.

While Page started out as a “Session Player” he went on to join the Yardbirds, eventually replacing Jeff Beck, though not nearly as innovative as Hendrix, he did bring forth a new kind of music with Led Zeppelin, no doubt the most popular band of all time.

One of Jimmy’s main influences was Hank Marvin.


Tommy Bolin: “Wild Dogs” Nov 1975

Thomas Richard Michael Bolin: 1 Aug 1951: Sioux City, IA. 4 Dec 1976

Zephyr: 3 Albums and 2 Singles, Billy Cobham: 1 Album, James Gang: 2 Albums and 3 Singles  Alphonse  Mouzon: 1 Album, Moxy: 1 Album, Deep Purple: 2 Albums and 2 Singles,  Solo: 2 Albums and 3 Singles

Unfortunately, Tommy is not a household name and is often confused with Marc Bolan of “T-Rex”. Bolin’s contribution to the guitar world was that he was a Jazz Guitar Player, playing “Rock Music” using a totally different approach, as well as the Master of the “Echoplex”.

One of Tommy’s main influences was Wes Montgomery.


Edward Van Halen: “Atomic Punk” Feb 1978

Edvard  Lodevijk Van Halen: 26 Jan 1955: Amsterdam, Holland – 6 Oct 2020

14 Albums and 58 Singles

Undoubtedly the last true innovator of the electric guitar, Edward is the 3rd of what I like to call “The Big 3”, he really was the 1st one since Hendrix to take the guitar in a totally different direction, with his usage of “Finger Tapping” and the “Phaser” and “Flanger” pedals.

One of Eddie’s main influences was Allan Holdsworth.


Randy Rhodes: “Over The Mountain” Nov 1981

Randall William Rhodes: 6 Dec 1956: Santa Monica, Ca. -19 Mar 1982

Quiet Riot: 3 Albums and 3 Singles,  Blizzard Of Ozz: 3 Albums.

Not nearly as original as Edward Van Halen, Rhodes, much like Bolin, did take a unique approach to his playing. Randy a “Classically” trained guitarist applied those techniques in playing Rock Guitar.

One of Randy’s main influences was Andreas Segovia.


The Edge (U2): “Bullet The Blue Sky” Mar 1987

David Howell Evans: 8 Aug 1961: Dublin, IRE.

21 Albums and 71 Singles.

Edge, though not as flashy as some others on this list, was added because of his innovation with usage of the “Delay” pedal and slide guitar technique. I will also state I chose Edge for this list almost 2 decades before the 2008 film “It Might Get Loud”.

One of Edge’s main influences was Rory Gallagher.


“PsychoGello Show Episode #194” 23 May 2021 on radio WDGY 


Les Paul: “How High The Moon” Mar 1951

Lester William Polsfuss: 9 Jun 1915: Waukesha, WI. – 12 Aug 2009

12 Albums and 54 Singles.

Les built a prototype of the 1st “Electric Guitar” dubbed “The Log” and pioneered “Multi Track Recording” while generally a “Country” or “Big Band” guitarist, he does have the most famous “Rock Guitar” named after him “Les Paul”.


Eric Clapton: “Badge” Feb 1969

Eric Patrick Clapton: 30 Mar 1945: Surrey, ENG.

Yardbirds: 2 Albums and 3 Singles  Cream: 6 Albums  Derek & Dominos:1 Album, , Blind Faith: 2 Albums,  Plastic Ono Band: 1 Album, Delaney & Bonnie: 1 Album, Solo:30 Albums and 55 Singles, as well as 60 other Guest Appearances.

Originally a “Blues” guitarist Clapton took his style in a new direction with the Yardbirds and then Cream creating the extend jam solo.

One of Eric’s main influences was Robert Johnson.


Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath): “Fairies Wear Boots” Sep 1970

Anthony Frank Iommi: 19 Feb 1948: Birmingham, ENG.

Black Sabbath; 27 Albums and 34 Singles: Solo: 3 Albums.

Iommi is added to this list for his innovations such as: tuning down a step and a half to “C#” creating the 1st set of “Light Gauge Strings” .008 to .032, and more importantly creating his own prosthetic finger tips, all of this lead to the creation of  ”Heavy Metal” though the phrase was coined by Mars Bonfire of “Sparrow” in 1968.

One of Tony’s main influences was Django Reinhardt.


Ace Frehley: “Let Me Go Rock And Roll” Oct 1974

Paul Daniel Frehley: 27 Apr 1951 Bronx, NY

KISS:15 Albums,  Solo: 13 Albums and 17 Singles.

I have added Ace, not just because he is one of my favorites, but more so that he combined, Page, Clapton & Hendrix to create a style that launched 1000s of other guitarists.


Brian May: “Now I’m Here” Nov 1974

Brian Harold May: 19 July 1947: London, ENG.

Queen: 22 Albums and 55 Singles, Solo: 4 Albums.

Much like Edge, I added May, because of his innovations, Brian and his father built his own guitar the “Red Special” and he uses an English Sixpence as a guitar pick, to create his unique sound.

One of Brian’s main influences was Jimi Hendrix.


Jeff Beck: “Freeway Jam” July 1975

Geoffrey Arnold Beck: 24 June 1944: Surrey, ENG.

Yardbirds: 5 Albums and 10 Singles, Solo: 20 Albums and 18 Singles.

While Beck replaced Clapton in the Yardbirds, Jeff came into his own later taking a cue from “Cobham’s Spectrum” Album and taking the Instrumental guitar in a whole new direction.

One of Jeff’s main influences was Chet Atkins.


Gary Moore: “Back On The Streets” Sep 1978

Robert William Gary Moore: 4 Apr 1952: Belfast, N. Ire. – 6 Feb 2001

Thin Lizzy: 1 Album, Solo: 27 Albums and 55 Singles.

I felt I had to add Gary as in the age of “Speed and Flash” Moore continued to crank out the blues. Truthfully I prefer Gary’s voice to his playing, I still feel he is one of the greats.

One of Gary’s main influences was John Mayall.


You can catch me on St. Paul Radi0 WDGY 7am Sunday’s for the last 4 years. You can hear the past 90 Episodes of the “PsychoGello Show” and the “Cover Up Show” at www.MrZeroS.Com -Podacst. You can hear MrZeros “Evolation Show” and “Hits And History Show” at www.MixCloud.Com.

Alright people, tune in next time …. I am MrZerr0 and my favorite color is Purple.

Mr. Zer0’s Inc.

*Est. 2009

1744 Lexington Ave. N.

Roseville, MN. 55113

  1. 489. 0207


“Nerd Is The Word” 


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12 Years For Mr. Zer0’s 55113

25 april 2021

“Years 10 & 4 & 12 & 8 For Mr. Zer0’s”

Dr. Rox Remember When? 

Article #122: April 2021

By: RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0 


– The Music Column- 2011

Can you believe it fans, this month April marks the 10 years I have been writing this article! True this article started out at 1st for the “St. Cloud BUZZ” back in 2010 through 2016, which crossed over to “Roseville Patch” in March 2013, but essentially it’s the same article.

Back in April 2011 Izzy Presley from “Rockin 101” in St. Cloud asked me to write for their local newspaper “The BUZZ” I accepted the job, my 1st article was on the greatest musician that ever lived “Jimi Hendrix”. In Mar 2013 Scott Carlson asked me to write for Roseville Patch, so for about 3 years I just ran the “BUZZ” article on “Patch” my 1st one that crossed over was in March 2013 on Michael Nesmith (Monkees).  I have written 122 articles now, in total, I believe most, if not all of my articles on www.RosevillePatch.Com I know for sure they are all available at www.MrZeroS.Com under “Blog”


-The Radio Show- 2017

This month marks the 4 year anniversary of “Mr. Zer0’s PsychoGello Show” on WDGY. In April 2017, Keith Johnson of “Ground Breakers” (& Madd CO.) asked me to make a 30min demo radio show to demo for him. The show we (Terrance S.) and put together was on “The Monkees”. To date I have created 191 “PsychoGello Shows” for WDGY. The 1st year and half I was on at 10:30 to 11am. Then in Jan 2019, the station moved my show to 7am to reach a new audience, so that’s where you can find me currently 7am Sunday mornings.

To celebrate this momentous occasion I created a 4 part “MrZerr0’s Favs” shows. You can see the set lists below.


-The Retail Store- 2009

This month also marks the 12th anniversary of Mr. Zer0’s 55113 in Roseville. If you can believe it was the 14 April 2009, that Steven H. and LaMar St.C. and John L. and Aaron McF. and a whole host of others put “Mr. Zer0’s” into existence. I came up with the idea after leaving DiscLand in Bloomington and talking to a Record Dealer at a RecordShow in New Brighton. So I went into action, I rounded up a record dealer, a book dealer and an antique dealer etc. I rented a space and brought them all together under one sign. “Mr.Zer0’s” I took the name from The Monkees TV Show Episode #52: Feb 1968 “Devil And Peter Tork” when Peter accidentally sells his soul to MrZero (the devil) for the ability to play the harp. A little later on I met Jose Delbo, who worked on Monkees Comics and the Beatles “Yellow Submarine” I was able to get him to create a MrZero character for our store.


This feat alone is just amazing especially since we have survived the “Cellphone Lookup” beginning in 2010. The dozens of Recordstores, Gaming Stores and Toy, Collectibles stores popping up all over the Twin Cities since 2010, after we opened up. The constant barrage of “Keyboard Warriors & Haters” that plague Mr. Zer0’s, because they did not get what they wanted. (Cool merchandise Costs Money) Then the disaster of 2020, 1st it was the “Covid 19 Lockdown” from March, April & May of 2020. Then no sooner were we able to reopen up, the “Uptown and City Wide Riots” broke out forcing us to install metal bars and board up our windows, which some do not realize all of this costs a business money. Then after the riots calmed down, that is when we started getting vandals! Then in Dec 2020, during our busiest time of year, the “C19 Curfew” where most businesses were closing at 7pm, to grossly affect 4th quarter sales.


Then the Final Devastating Blow: -2021

Somehow we managed to survive all of the above In January 2021, I held a meeting with what few partners we had left and stated “Folks, we have been here 11 Years, it is time, either we Close, Move, Expand or Remodel.” it was about a 50/50 split amongst the remaining partners. Exactly 1 week later Mr. Zer0’s 55113, was Robbed for over $7000.oo in damages and Over $9000.oo Loss in Cash And Product. KILLING ALL Future Plans for Mr. Zer0’s for exactly Who Knows When? Then we lost our storage unit containing the new fixtures for the new location, because we could not afford to pay the bill. Try to contemplate $16,000.oo (Sixteen Thousand Dollars) In Losses. So we had to move many of the fixtures into our overcrowded store. So currently Mr. Zer0’s is in a mess because of the state of flux.


-The Tribute Band- 2013

Unbelievably April also marks the 8th anniversary of “KISSin Time” founded in April 2013, by Greg C. MN. Pete Campbell, Paul Helms & myself. Now there has been a whole host of people in the band over the years, like; Xenia, JAce, Robyn Krystal, Joe Marvelous, Ryan Dodge, Tony W. Paul L. Nate McN. David M.

and a few others. Today’s Line Up Is: Hevy Kevy Fransen (2017), Gonzo $immon$ (2019), Topp Jimmy Woynilko (2020) and myself (2013). KISSin Time recreates the early Tours Of KISS, when many were just too young to see the band back then, a show by fans for the fans (the hard core fans) we have a 7 foot sign, Spaceman uses a Smoking Guitar, the Demon spits blood, Starchild breaks a guitar, the Catman tosses out sticks and drumheads for you fans. You can catch KISSin Time: ALive!

29 April 2021 Thursday @ Route 47 in Fridley 55432

7 May 2021 Friday in Pine Island @ Olde Pine Theatre 55963

25 June 2021 Friday in Hopkins 55343 @ Main Street Bar


The April Anniversary Shows: 


Mr. Zer0’s Favs Part: 1A Show #188

“Last Time” Rolling Stones: 1965 Feb (#9)

“Day Tripper” Beatles: 1965 Dec (#5)

“Words” Monkees: 1967 Nov (#11)

“Planet Caravan” Black Sabbath: Sep 1970

“Foggy Mental Breakdown” Steppenwolf: 1970 Nov

“I’ll  Meet You Halfway” Partridge Family: 1971 May (#9)

“Hold Her Tight” Osmonds: 1972 June (#14)


Mr. Zer0’s Favs Part: 2B Show #189

“Sway” Dean Martin: 1954 (#15)

“Can’t Explain” Who: 1965 FEb (#57)

“Strawberry Girl” Boyce & Hart: 1968 

“All Along The Watchtower” Jimi Hendrix: 1968 Oct (#20)

“Got to Choose” KISS: 1974 Oct

“In The End” Rush: 1975 Feb

“Rocky” Thin Lizzy: 1976 Oct


Mr. Zer0’s Favs Part: 3C Show #190

“Til The End Of The Day” Kinks: 1965 Nov (#50)

“Reach Out (and I’ll be there) Four Tops: 1966 Oct (#1)

“Find Somebody” Rascals: 1967 July

“Maybe I’m A Leo” Deep Purple (Mk2): 1972 Mar

“Lonely Planet Boy” New York Dolls: 1973 July

“I’m In Love With My Car” Queen: 1975 Nov

“Sweet Burgundy” Tommy Bolin: 1976 Sep

“Way Of The World” Cheap Trick: 1979 Sep


Mr. Zer0’s Favs Part: 4D Show #191  

“Lucille” Everly Bros. 1960 Aug (#21)

“I Don’t Want To Discuss It” Little Richard: 1967 Jan

“Today” Jefferson Airplane: 1967 Feb

“Jump Into The Fire” Nilsson: 1972 April

“From the Beginning” Emerson, Lake & Palmer: 1972 July (#39)

“Papa Was A  Rollin Stone” Temptations: 1972 Sep (#1)

“Sight For Sore Eyes” Aerosmith: 1977 Dec 

“Opened The Door” Journey: 1978 Jan


Now remember fans you can hear 90 of the last “PsychoGello Shows” and “Cover Up Shows” at www.MrZeroS.Com -Podcast.

You can hear Mr. Zer0’s “Evolation Show” and “Hits And History Shows: w/ Rick Burnett” on www.MixCloud.Com under MrZeros.

You can see all the information on these shows at “Mr. ZeroS PsychoGello Music History” on fb.


Be sure to check into all of our Social Media: fb, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Pintrest, MySpace.


So here’s to more years ahead of us all. I’m MrZerr0 and my favorite color is purple.

Mr. Zer0’s 

*Est. 2009

1744 Lexington Ave. N.

Roseville, MN. 55113

Classic Music, Retro Toys, Vintage Video Games & Movies and That’s It.

“Nerd Is The Word” 

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St. Patrick’s Day at Mr. Zer0’s

Mr. Zer0's 55113

“Thin Lizzy: The Poet From Crumlin”

Dr. Rox Remember When? 

WDGY: Article #121 March 2021

By: RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0


So it’s Mr. Zer0’s 12th St. Patrick’s Day in this location. so I did a “St. Patrick’s Day” Show for my #185 show for WDGY. My Grandma’s last name being Doughty, I grew up very Irish Catholic on the west side of Sioux City. In 2019 my good friend Evangeline got me a DNA test for my birthday, turns out I am 31% Irish. When I was a kid in Brandon (Jackson), Miss.  I heard “Boys Are Back In Town” on the radio, I thought it was a pretty good song. When we moved back to Sioux City in 1978, it seemed like anyone’s house I went to, someone was always playing Thin Lizzy on the stereo.


Being young and poor, I used to walk to Sunset Plaza and go  through the “Cut-Out Records” bins at Woolco, looking to buy the most records for my $5.oo weekly allowance, the “Cut-Outs” you could find older albums from .99 to $2.99. One day I was looking through them and I stumbled on 2 albums by Thin Lizzy “Johnny The Fox” & “Bad Reputation” I remember thinking “I liked that song “Boys Are Back In Town” and everybody I know is playing “Live And Dangerous” maybe I’ll like these songs” so I got them both sealed for $1.99 + TAX ! which ate up my $5.oo. I took them home and found out I loved most of  “Johnny The Fox” and a lot of “Bad Reputation” about a year later I met a guitar player Michael who learned most of “Live And Dangerous” he encouraged me to learn the songs on there so we could jam. Alas I was just Not That Good. About a year after that I met another guitar player Miles H. who was a dead ringer for Scott Gorham, the guitar player in Thin Lizzy, although his jam was anything Joe Walsh, he taught me “Disco Strangler” by The Eagles, in the boiler room of a closed school where he used to jam.


In Dec 1982 I heard Johnnie Bolin’s band “DVC” perform “Hollywood” at The Patio in Sioux City. When I was with “High Fever” in 1983 touring the Mid-West, the band bought the Cassette, as you could not play a record in the car or even in some clubs, at that time, of “Thunder And Lightning” I remember at the time thinking this was a Great Cassette! So little by little I began to buy up most of their catalog on Cassette, Records and then CD, because when I get into an Artist, I really get into that artist, having said that, I think my favorites in order are: “Thunder And Lightning” “Johnny The Fox” “Renegade” “Bad Reputation” & “Black Rose”. In 2005 there was a statue erected of Lynott in Dublin, in 2018 my friend Damian P. took one of Mr. Zer0’s T-Shirts back to Dublin with him to take a photo of Mr. Zer0’s shirts next to the statue of Phil.


It was only in recent years I learned of where the name came from, the UK Comic “The Dandy” and “The Beano” there was a female robot called “Tin Lizzy” Downey thought this would be a good name and Lynott added the “H” because in Ireland, most people do not pronounce the “Th” in words. and I was shocked to find out how many guest appearances the memebers made including Lynott who played on Johnny Thunders 1978 album “So Alone” and from  that Lynott and 2 other members of Thin  Lizzy with 2 memebers of the Sex Pistols formed “The Greedies” and a UK Christmas Single “A Merry Jingle” which will  be on my 4th Annual WDGY X-Mass Show in Dec 2021. About 2016 I decided to put together a Tribute Band to Thin Lizzy, with myself singing lead and playing bass, and MN Pete on drums as Downey is his favorite drummer. Since I was playing the part of Phil, we decided on the name “White Lizzy” unfortunately I have yet to find 2 guitarists to work together like Robertson & Gorham did, back in the day. I did see Gorham and Sykes in St. Paul on 24 Aug 2004, I saw Gorham again in April 2018 in MPLS.


So being March and Thin Lizzy being one of the most famous bands to come out of Ireland I decided to revisit Thin Lizzy and make Episode #186 Thin Lizzy Part 2B. Still in March I thought I should make my next “Cover Up” Show Program #5 on Thin Lizzy, too. Down below you will find the set list for these shows. To hear them simply go to MrZeroS.Com -Podcast and you can hear them for FREE. You can also grab the latest Discount coupon to Mr. Zer0’s 55113 Roseville on the very same Website!


PsychoGello Show 2021: March

Episode #185  “St. Patrick’s Day”

“When Irish Eyes Are Smiling” Bing Crosby: 1952

“Wild Mountain Thyme” The Byrds: 1966 July

“Cypress Ave.” Van Morrison: 1968 Nov

“Dublin” Thin Lizzy: 1971 Aug

“Give Ireland Back The Irish” Paul McCartney & Wings: 1972 Feb

“Luck Of The Irish” John Lennon & Yoko: 1972 June

“Sunday Bloody Sunday” U2: 1983 Feb

“Blood Of Emeralds” Gary Moore: 1989 Jan

“Belfast” Elton John: 1995 Mar

“Whiskey In The Jar” Metallica: 1998 Nov


“Cover Up” Show #5

Thin Lizzy: March 2021

“Rosalie” Bob Segar: 1973 Jan

“Whiskey In The Jar” Metallica: 1998 Nov

“It’s Only Money” Concrete Blonde: 1989 May 

“Jailbreak” Fu Man Chu: 1997

“Boys Are Back in Town” Everclear: 1999 Aug

“Emerald” Ace Frehley & Slash: 2016 Apr

“Don’t Believe A Word” Gary Moore & Phil Lynott: 1978 Sep

“Dancing In The Moonlight” Smashing Pumpkins: 1994 Mar

“Bad Reputation” Foo Fighters: 2011 Apr

“Cold Sweat” Megadeth: 2013 June


PsychoGello Show 2021: March 

Episode #186: Thin Lizzy: Part 2B

“Sha La La” 1974 Nov

“Fighting My Way Back” 1975 Sep

“Emerald” 1976 Mar

“Don’t Believe A Word” 1976 Oct

“Killer Without A Cause” 1977 Sep

“Do Anything You Want To” 1979 Apr

“Killer On The Loose” 1980 Oct

“No One Told Him” 1981 Nov

“Holy War” 1983 Mar


The Band Members: 1969- 1983

Phil Lynott; Vocals, Bass; 20 August 1949; Stafforshire, ENG. – 4 January 1986

Brian Downey: Drums; 27 January 1951; Dublin, IRE.

Eric Bell: Guitar; 3 September 1947; Belfast, N. IRE.

Gary Moore: Guitar, Vocals; 4 April 1952; Belfast, N. IRE. – 6 February 2011

Brian Robertson: Guitar; 12 February 1956; Clarkston, SCT.

Scott Gorham: Guitar; 17 March 1951; Glendale, CA.

Snowy White: Guitar; 3 March 1948; Devon, ENG.

Darren Wharton: Keyboards; 25 December 1961; Lancashire, ENG.

John Sykes: Guitar; 29 July 1959; Berkshire,  ENG. 


From: 1971 to 1983: they released 18 Albums, 2 EPs, 2 VHS Concerts,  33 Singles with 2 songs on the BillBoard Charts.


Well, there you have it fans, my take on St. Patrick’s Day and Thin Lizzy. Check in next time when you can read me on the nett, until next time … MrZerr0


Hear on WDGY 

740AM, Streaming, FM: 92.1, 103.7, 107.1

7am Sunday Mornings

Since: June 2017


Mr. Zer0’s 

*Est. 2009

1744 Lexington Ave. N.

Roseville, MN. 55113



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T-Rex; Marc Bolan: Article #120 Feb-2021

Cover Up Show #4

“Bang A Gong, Not Teaser” 

Dr. Rox Remember When? 

WDGY: Article #120: Feb 2021

By: RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0


So when I was a kid growing up in Sioux City, Iowa where I got my music interests from, basically was my Uncles; Jeff S. & John U. or my Aunt Cat, as there wasn’t, much to choose from as far as Radi0 went, my memory was 3 stations; KMNS, KTRI & KSCJ, I do vividly remember taking an interest in Top 40 Radio as soon as Summer 1972, but for some reason they were still playing Top 40 hits on the radio from the  previous year,  when I 1st remember hearing “Get It On, Bang A Gong” a #10 hit. I thought it was a really cool song, but I never heard of them before or since that song, until later in 1980, or 81 when Joe Elliott of Def Leppard, had mentioned in a interview that one of his main influences was “T-Rex” and that he and the other members of “Def Leppard”  had permed their hair to resemble Marc Bolan of “T-Rex” now at that time I loved Def Leppard’s “High N Dry” album and later their “Pyromania” album. In late 1985 I was in a Cover-Original Band “Scepter” in Des Moines, Iowa, one of the cover songs we did at that time was “Get It On, Bang A Gong” as Robert Palmer & half of “Duran Duran” had a hit with it at the time. I am a huge Ringo Starr fan and one time in an interview he stated that “The song “Back Off Boogaloo” was about Paul McCartney, but was informally written with Marc Bolan at dinner at my (Ringo’s) house one night”


So I thought “Well, then this T-Rex must be great so one of the 1st vinyl records I bought when I 1st started at “RecordShop” in Valley West Mall was 1985’s “T-Rextasy” on WB records, um …. I was a little disappointed … while I loved “20th Century Boy” the only other song I really enjoyed was “Summertime Blues” I had heard  “Jeepster” covered by “Davy Jones & Toast” from a cassette bootleg of their 1977 US Tour, and I thought it  was kind of a funny song. Little did I know at the time the 1st 5 albums by T-Rex, they were essentially a folk duo, that used to be classified as “Beatnik Music” as I had seen the cover of “Electric Warrior” I was miss lead to think “T-Rex” was in the ranks of Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin & Alice Cooper, wow, was I wrong. So the next vinyl I purchased on T-Rex was  “Electric Warrior”  then “Slider” which contained “Buick Mackane”  then “Tanx” which had “Country Honey” and finally “Unicorn” , at that time back then, T-Rex, was just a near miss for me ….


In 1995 to 1998 I worked for “Worst Buyz Co” and in their Corporate Newsletter in 1996  (which I Still Own this particular Issue) they announced their own CD Label “Master Tone” (no really made Vinyl from 1987 to 2012, therefore No ONe was able to Buy Vinyl from this period)  would be releasing an extensive catalog of BBC Recordings by almost 100 Artists, such as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, R.E.M. Jethro Tull & T-Rex to name a few, and these titles would only be available at their own stores. Ultimately they only released 5; T-Rex, Jethro Tull and 2 others and a Led Zeppelin “Interviews” CD. Somehow it did NOT dawn on the “Big Box Giant Retailers” that while they may have stuck a deal with the BBC, they did NOT have a deal to distribute certain bands music, the was still own and controlled by the respective Publishers, Song Writers, Artists and the Record Labels who owned them. Because of these Laws in the Music Industry, “Master Tone” was reduced to releasing Interview CDs with a Booklet to recoup their investment losses, to be fair, those releases are kinda cool for the hard core collector


Jump ahead a few years ago (12 to be exact) when I opened Mr. Zer0’s 55113 in Roseville. As soon as we opened droves of people came in asking for T-Rex vinyl, we brought in a few from Calif. and they were priced about $50.oo each, they sold immediately. So much so I decided I needed to look deeper into this T-Rex. Only a few years earlier than this I began to fly the banner of Tommy R. Bolin from Sioux City, Iowa, and I kept running into the same reaction; “Oh yea, I really like that song he had “Bang A Gong” then I would respond “No, that’s T-Rex, Tommy Bolin, was in DEEP PURPLE & JAMES GANG” to add to the confusion, Marc died a mere 9 months after Tommy did.  Moving ahead a few more years to 2017 when I got my gig at WDGY, Tommy Bolin was “PsychoGello Show” #3 and T-Rex was Show #22, in a effort to distinguish  to 2 from each other. So once again I delved into the catalog of T-Rex, only to reassure myself that T-Rex was really a Beatnik Duo. I remember about 2018 or so the “T-Rex Tribute Band: Electric Warrior” was playing the “Turf Club” in St. Paul, I really wanted to go but did not make it there for some reason.  Then I met an artist Taylor James Ellis, who has created many artworks for Mr. Zer0’s, because he came into the store in search of T-Rex Vinyl. So after all this I have listened to most of T-Rex’s catalog which is far more on 45 Singles than full length albums, to find there are a few songs of T-Rex, I Really Love: “Cadillac” “Laser Love” “20th Century Boy” “Buick Mackane” & “Summertime Blues” . So there it is fans, my personal experience on T-Rex. And now a brief history and their discography;


He was born Mark Feld on 30 Sept 1947 in London, ENG. and passed on 16 Sept 1977. Formed in late 1967 after “John’s Children” “Tyrannosaurus Rex” was just Bolan and percussionist Steven Peregrin Took: 1949 -1980; London. Later replacing Took with Mickey Finn: 1947 -2003; Surrey. in 1971 they added Bassist Steve Currie: 1947 -1981; Lincolnshire, ENG. was also killed in a car crash like Bolan) & Drummer Bill Legend: 1947 Essex, ENG. & Vocalist (and lover) Gloria Richetta Jones: 19 Oct 1945; Cincinnati, OH. and several others over the years.


Solos Singles: Marc Bolan;

“The Wizard/Beyond the Rising Sun” 1965
“The Third Degree/San Francisco Poet” 1966
“Hippy Gumbo/Misfit” 1967


John’s Children  Mar – June 1967  

“Desdemona/Remember Thomas A Beckett” 1967


Tyrannosaurus Rex , T-Rex, Marc Bolan & T-Rex:
“My People Were Fair and Had Sky in Their Hair… But Now They’re Content to Wear Stars on Their Brows” July 1968

“Prophets, Seers & Sages: The Angles Of The Ages” October 1968

“Unicorn” May 1969

“Beard Of Stars” March 1970

“T-Rex” Dec 1970

“Electric Warrior” Sept 1971

“Bolan Boogie” 1972

“The Slider” July 1972

“Tanx” March 1973

“Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow” Feb 1974

“The Beginning Of Doves” As Marc Bolan: 1974

“Light Of Love” Aug 1974

“Bolan’s Zip Gun” Feb 1975

“Futuristic Dragon” Jan 1976

“Dandy In The Underworld” Mar 1977


a Book “Warlock Of Love” 1969

27 Single 45s; with over 20 Non-LP Songs

Over 50 Live or Compilation CDs


Here’s a breakdown of my 2 radio shows on “T-Rex”


“PsychoGello Show” Episode #22 Dec 2017

“She Was Born To Be My Unicorn” May 1969

“Dragon’s Ear” March 1970

“Summertime Blues” Oct 1970

“Hot Love” Feb 1971

“Jeepster” September 1971

“Buick Mackane” July 1972

“20th Century Boy” March 1973

“Country Honey” March 1973


“Mr. Zer0’s Cover Up Show” #4 “T-Rex” March-2021

“Get It On, Band  A Gong” Power Station March 1985 #6 on the Charts

“The Wizard” Johnny Thunders: June 1978

“Telegram Sam” Bauhaus: July 1980

“Children Of The Revolution” Violent Femmes: 1986

“Buick Mackane” Guns N Roses: Nov 1993

“20th  Century Boy” Drain STH: Aug 1999

“Life Is Strange” Martin L. Gore (Depeche Mode): Apr 2003

“Metal Guru:” Rooney: June 2005

“Jeepster” Joan Jett: Sep 2020


Check out my Radi0 Show of almost 4 years on Radi0 WDGY: 740AM, Streaming, FM: 92.1, 103.7, 107.1 Sunday’s at 7am.


You can hear Past Episodes of the “PsychoGello Show” & the “Cover Up” Show  @ www. mrZeroS.Com -Podcast


You can hear 32 of Mr. Zer0’s “Evolation Show” and Guest hosting on 18 “Hits And History” Programs on MixCloud.Com under MrZeros, Evolation & Hits And History.


Ok, fans, that’s all for now… tune in next time: MrZerr0


Mr. Zer0’s 

*Est. 2009

1744 Lexington Ave. N.

Roseville, MN. 55113


Music, Games, Toys, Movies & That’s IT!


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Mr. Zer0’s New Podcast “Cover Up”


Mr. Zer0’s “Cover Up Show” 

www.MrZeroS.Com -Podcast

Dr. Rox Remember When? 

Article #119 Jan 2021

By: RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0


Here we are, and welcome to the show. So it’s 2021, and this is our 1st Article of the New Year. So I was thinking back to when I 1st started writing this Article for “St. Cloud, MN. Buzz” back in April 2011 (to 2016), back then I was submitting “Cover Songs” for a Show that DJ Izzy Presley had on “Rockin 101” I believe the show was called “Under The Covers”. So back in Dec 2020, while driving back from Des Moines  after “KISSin Time” played “Wooly’s” I was thinking about what I could do that was new for my 3 different Radio Shows, the 1st idea I had was based on a show I did: “Tribute to Bob Dylan” which aired on WDGY in Nov 2020.


I thought this was a really cool idea, but I needed a name, so I thought since everyone calls me a  conspiracy theorist, I should run with that theme, hence I came up with the name “Cover Up”. What the new show would consist of is about a half hour of a featured artist with “Cover Songs” from all different styles of music. Well I pitched the idea to my powers that be, and I was unable to secure a station that would or could air my new show. So I decided this new show was just too good of an idea to let it fade away. And so for now, I will release 1 new “Cover Up” Show every month on www.MrZeroS.Com -Podcast ! With that I am releasing the info for the first 3 “Cover Up” shows that you will be able to listen to on Mr. Zer0’s website, and hopefully this show will be picked up by a local station like WVIC here in St. Paul. Enjoy the read and check out the website.



“Cover Up” Show #1: New York Dolls (31 min) Jan 2021

“Personality Crisis” June 2006: Joan Jett; (Joan Marie Larkin) 22 Sep 1958 Wynnewood, PA.

“Looking For A Kiss” Sep 2015: Jayne County (Queen Elizabeth) 13 July 1947 in Dallas, GA.

“Trash” July 1991: Morrisey (Steven Patrick Morrisey) 22 May 1959 in Lancashire, En.

“Bad Girl” 1995: New Bomb Turks; formed in 1990 in Columbus, OH.

“Chatterbox” 1992: Joy Riders; from in Portadown, Ire.

“Human Being” Nov 1993: Guns N Roses; formed in 1985 in Los Angeles, CA.

“Stranded In The Jungle” (#18 Charts) 1956: Jay Hawks; formed in Los Angeles, CA.

“Pirate Love” 2003: D4; formed in Auckland, NZ.


“Cover Up” Show #2: KISS (37 min) Feb 2021

“Deuce” 1984: Red Cross; formed in Hawthorne, CA. in 1980

“Strutter” Aug 1999: The Donnas; formed in Palo Alto, CA. in 1993

“Black Diamond” Oct 1984: Replacements; formed in Minneapolis in 1979

“Parasite” Sep 1988: Anthrax formed in New York City in 1981

“Goin Blind” Sep 1993: The Melvins; formed in Monsanto, WA. in 1983

“Cmon And Love Me” Sep 1992; Skid Row formed in Toms River, NJ. in 1986

“Rock And Roll All Nite” Nov 1987: Poison; formed in Mechanicsburg, PA. in 1983

“Do You Love Me” 1989: Nirvana formed in Aberdeen, WA. in 1987

“Shout It Out Loud” Oct 2010: Pretty Boy Floyd: formed in Hollywood, CA. in 1987


“Cover Up” Show #3: Neil Diamond (34 min) Mar 2021

“I’ll Come A  Runnin” Neil Diamond: Aug 1966

“Look Out (here comes tomorrow) Jan 1967 The Monkees: formed in Los Angeles, CA. in 1965

“Boat That I Row” Oct 1967: Lulu (Kennedy) 3 Nov 1948; Stirlingshire, Scotland

“Kentucky Woman” (#38 Charts) Oct 1968: Deep Purple; formed in 1968 in Hertfordshire, Eng.

“Sweet Caroline” July 1974: Frank Sinatra; (Fransis Albert Sinatra) 12 Dec 1915 Hokoben, NJ. (14 May 1998)

“Red Red Wine” (#34) Sep 1983 & #1 in Oct 1988: UB40 formed in 1978 in Birmingham, Eng.

“Solitary Man” Apr 1993: Chris Isaak; 26 June 1956 in Stockton, CA.

“Girl, You’ll Be  A Woman Soon” Sep 1994: Urge Overkill; formed in 1986 in Chicago, IL.

“I’m A Believer” Aug 2001: Smash Mouth; formed in 1994 in San Jose, CA.


With more to follow:

Jimi Hendrix

(Harry) Nilsson

Joan Jett

The Monkees

The Beatles

The Solo Beatles

The Rolling Stones

The Who

The Temptations



Bob Dylan (part 2B) 


David Bowie

Deep Purple

Black Sabbath

Gary Glitter

The Kinks


Just to list a few and in no certain order.

And so Happy New Year from Mr. Zer0’s 55113, and check out my New Show @ www.MrZer0S.Com -Podcast.

Read up, next month … MrZerr0


Mr. Zer0’s 

*Est. 2009

1744 Lexington Ave. N.

Roseville, MN. 55113



Classic Music,

Retro Toys

Vintage Video Games

& Movies too ….

Where: “Nerd Is The Word” 

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4th Xmass Radi0 Show for MrZer0

Episode #172



4th Annual “WDGY” Xmass Show:

Dr. Rox Remember When?
WFNU: Article #118; Dec 2020
By: RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0 


When I was kid growing up in Sioux City, I loved Christmas time, I loved all the Christmas Lights everywhere, and apparently I always did, I have a b/w photo of a 7 month old me mesmerized, sitting in front of the Christmas tree, my Mom and Grandma’s would be baking treats, the added bonus of it was the one big score of getting presents and candy, a far 2nd being your birthday and Halloween, heck I even loved the snow! My favorite book is “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens published in 1843, my favorite film version is the (1969 Api Prod.) cartoon of “A Christmas Carol”  released in Dec 1970 by CBS. I remember vividly Christmas of 1970 my family went to my sister Michelle’s Godmother’s house, and there was Darlene L. sitting in front of the Christmas tree having an eggnog and listening to Christmas music on the  record player, I was blown away and hooked, all at the same time. My favorite Christmas carol is “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” This same Christmas I got my 1st record player for Xmas a Panasonic compact battery powered portable with an AM radio, state of the art at the time, I tried to find a photo of it to include, alas no luck, I did find a photo of my 1st TV a b/w portable also made by Panasonic.


A guy I worked with, Kevin, brought in a cassette that his brother Keith S.  had made of some Rock N Roll Xmas Songs, one of which  was The Monkees “Christmas Is My Time Of Year” which at this point I had never heard before, he got this from my future great friend at ACE High Records. This started my tradition in 1985 of making an annual Xmas Cassette then in 1999 I was able to switch to CD, and then in 2017, I was able to switch to an annual “Radio Show”.  In 1986 this was my 1st Xmas holiday season working in Music Retail at RecordShop in Valley West Mall, but after 4 years of that I was no longer a fan of Christmas, people could be so rude and demanding, and too many places played the same old tired Christmas music which pushed me even harder to continue my Xmas, Cassette, CD & Radio Show … in 1993 RecordShop was purchased by Wherehouse Ent. and a study was done for 4th quarter that showed Minnesota & Iowa sold more Christmas music per capita than any other states in the union!  When I opened Mr. Zer0’s in 2009, I had a renewed attachment to Christmas time and the music that went with it. So I have continued my tradition for some 35 years, with that I give you the track list of Mr. Zer0’s 4th Annual Xmass Show!


With Guests: Missy Marrz, Asha Moonglow, Oblieon & Gma Tabby

“We Wish You A Twisted Christmas” Twisted Sister: 2006
Formed in 1973 in Ho Ho Kus, NJ.They released 10 Albums & 18 Singles with 3 songs on the Billboard Charts

“Silent Night” Jim Reeves: 1963
Born 20 Aug 1923 in Galloway, TX, he passed 31 July 1964. He released some 25 Albums and almost 70 Singles with 59 songs on the charts.

“Star Carol” Simon & Garfunkel: 1967
From in New York City in 1962, they released 8 Albums & 24 Singles with 17 songs on the Charts.

“Christmas Wish” Bobby Sherman: 1970
Born 22 July 1943 in Santa Monica, CA. He released 10 Albums & 23 Singles with 7 songs in the “Top 40”

“Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” Partridge Family: 1972
Formed in  1969 in Hollywood CA. They released 12 Albums & 11 Songs with 9 songs on the Billboard Charts.

“What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve” Osmond Family: 1976
Formed in 1958 in Ogdon, UT. They released 21 Albums & 44 Singles with 13 songs on the Billboard Charts.

“Run With The Fox” Squire -White: 1981
Originally formed in 1980 with Jimmy Page & Robert Plant, this band released nothing but lead to the release of this Non-LP single.

“Little Drummer Boy” Joan Jett: 1981

Born 22 Sept 1958 in Wynnewood, PA. She has released 16 Albums & 43 Singles with 10 songs on the charts.

“It Wasn’t His Child” Trisha Yearwood: 1994

Born 19 Sept 1964 in Monticello, GA. She released 17 Albums & 42 Singles with 9 songs on the Billboard Charts.

“I Wanna BE Santa Claus” Ringo Starr: 1999

Born 7 July 1940 in Liverpool, ENG. he has released 32 Albums & 41 Singles with 12 songs on the charts.

“So They Say It’s Christmas” Brian Setzer Orchestra: 2002

Born 10 April 1958 in  Massapequa,NY. He has released 22 Albums with 1 song on the Billboard Charts.

“House Of Broken Gingerbread” The Monkees: 2018

Formed in 1965 in Los Angeles, CA. They have released 25 Albums and 22 Singles with 20 songs on the charts.

Here is a list of my previous shows and where you can find them, or you could get them from me.

WDGY “PsychoGello Show” Hear @ www.MrZeroS.Com -Podcast
24 Dec 2017: 1st w/ D

Episode #172

Mr. Zer0’s

e Dee
23 Dec 2018: 2nd w/ DJ Evangeline 
22 Dec 2019: 3rd w/ Missy Marrz
20 Dec 2020: Setlist Above

WFNU: “Evolation Show” Hear @ MixCloud.Com -MrZeros
19 Dec 2018: 1st
20 Dec 2019: w/ Rick Burnett

*23 Dec 2020: CANCELED Due To COVID19 LockDown


WFNU: “Hits And History Show” Hear @ MixCloud.Com -MrZeros 

19 Dec 2019: 1st with Rick Burnett

*21 Dec 2020: CANCELED Due To COVID19 LockDown


And there you have folks, a rundown of Mr. Zer0’s Xmass shows.

Happy New Year and stay tuned for the next one!


Until the next time: Merry  Christmas … MrZerr0


Mr. Zer0’s

*Est. 2009

1744 Lexington Ave. N.

Roseville, MN. 55113

  1. 489. 0207



WDGY: 7am Sundays

WFNU: Wed. Noon Fri 8am & Mon 8am


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KISS: Alive! 1973 to 1979

KISS: Alive Set-lists; 1973 -1979

Dr. Rox Remember When? 

 WFNU: Article #117 November 2020

By: RLSchwinden aka MrZerr0 

   So this idea all began for me back in 1986, at that time I had about 5 Vinyl Bootleg Records and 3 Cassettes and 2 VHS of KISS: Alive in Concert. I realized that the “Alive” albums they had released were an accumulation of several concerts mixed together to create a final product. A short time later I read an interview with Gene Simmons in 1987 where they were about to embark on the “Crazy Nights Tour” the interviewer asked Gene “How does it feel to go back on tour again” Gene responded “I love going out on tour, I was born for the road, why I can still remember the setlist for our 1st tour and every one after that” and he proceeded to list the songs from the 1st tour. I was blown away, I kept thinking “Wow, what would it be like to see KISS back in those days”.

That got me to thinking … “Say, I have a (bootleg) from almost every year they toured, so I started a notebook with every KISS concert I could find. In late 1986 I met one of the biggest bootleg dealers in the Mid-West, we became fast friends, and he sold me about a dozen shows, along with a few other Dealers & Traders I met through him. By late 1987 I had had almost 30 shows spanning a 6 year period. Then in 1988 VHS Bootlegs took off ! And I would get asked over and over “Is this show on video, or that show on video?” and I hear this even into today at Mr. Zer0’s 55113.

In Spring 2001, I was contacted by a guy named Curt G. who with his partner Jeff S. was working on a book on every KISS concert ever performed up to that point. They had heard that I had the master copies of 2 rare KISS concerts: “20 Jan 1977 Lincoln, NE.” & “30 Dec 1982: Sioux City, IA.” and they were very interested in copies of these for their book “KISS: Alive Forever” (Billboard Books Sep 2002) at that time I believe I had about 90 or so KISS Concert Bootlegs in my notebook. I proceeded to do about 8 hours of interviews with 28 entries into their book as I had seen the band over 30 times up until that point, as well as met Paul, Ace, Gene, Peter, Eric Carr, Vinnie, Bruce & Eric Singer at least once if not several times, each, as well people that worked with them like, Big John Hart, Jay Barth, George Sewitt, Romeo Bonilla & Ace’s old Guitar Tech & Vinnie’s Old Guitar Tech too.

With my KISS Tribute Band “KISSin Time” (*Est. 2013) a Tribute to the “Early Years of KISS”  going to Play my former Home Town of Des Moines, Iowa (1984-1999) on 19 Dec 2020 Sat 8pm @ Wooly’s (515.244.0550), I have had some people ask me questions about exactly what songs, did KISS actually, ever play “In Concert” back-in-the-day  So I decided to look into exactly how many “Complete Concerts” (and Only Complete Shows) were in circulation on VHS, DVD or On-Line. As I still get asked repeatedly “Is that show on video?” and I do get tired of answering this question …. SO ! Below is a list of the songs KISS performed Overall on each Tour as well as Each Complete Concert Video for each Tour and the songs contained in the video (so now you fans can stop asking me).

1973: 1st Tour: Jan 1973 to December

Nothin To Lose


Life In The Woods

Simple Type


100,000 Years

Black Diamond


Let Me Know

Love Her All I Can

Keep Me Waiting

Goin Blind

Let Me Go Rock N Roll

22 Dec 1973 Fri. in Queens, New York, @ Coventry

Deuce, Cold Gin, Nothin To Lose, Strutter, Firehouse, Let Me Know, 100,000 Years, Black Diamond, Let Me Go Rock And Roll

1974: 1st Album Tour: December 1973 to October 1974 


Cold Gin

Nothin To Lose


Let Me Know

100,000 Years

Black  Diamond




Let Me Go Rock N Roll

Kissin Time

13 April 1974 Sat. in Detroit, MI. @ Michigan Palace

Deuce, Strutter, Firehouse, She, Nothin To Lose, Cold Gin, 100,000 Years, Black Diamond, Acrobat

1974-75: Hotter Than Hell Tour: October 1974 to February 1975



Got To Choose



Jam #49- Ace Solo

Nothin To Lose


100,000 Years

Peter Solo

Black Diamond

Let Me Go Rock N Roll

Cold Gin

Hotter Than Hell

Watchin You

Strange Ways


31 Jan 1975 Fri. in San Francisco, CA. @  Winterland Ballroom 

Deuce, Strutter, Got To Choose, Hotter Than Hell, Firehouse, Watchin You- Jam #49- Guitar Solo, Nothin To Lose, Parasite, Bass Solo- 100, 000 Years -Drum Solo, Black Diamond, Cold Gin, Let Me Go Rock And Roll

1975: Dressed To Kill Tour: March 1975 to August 1975

(Alive Tour: Sep 1975 – Mar 1976)



Got To Choose

Hotter Than Hell



Jam #49- Ace Solo

Nothing To Lose


100,000 Years

Peter Drum Solo

Black Diamond

Cmon And Love Me

Let Me Go  Rock N Roll

Room Service

Rock And Roll All Nite

Two Timer

Ladies In Waiting

Rock Bottom

16 May 1975 Fri.  in Detroit, Michigan @ Cobo Arena

Rock Bottom, Strutter, Nothin To Lose, Two Timer, Let Me Know, Got To Choose, She- Jam #49- Guitar Solo, Hotter Than Hell, Firehouse, Parasite, Bass Solo- 100, 000 Years -Drum Solo, Black Diamond, Deuce, Cold Gin, Rock And Roll All Nite, Let Me Go Rock And Roll

25 Jan 1976 Sun in Detroit MI. @ Cobo Hall

Deuce Strutter, Cmon And Love Me, Hotter Than Hell, Firehouse, She- Jam #49 – Guitar Solo, Ladies In Waiting, Nothin To Lose, Bass Solo- 100,000 Years -Drum Solo, Black Diamond, Cold Gin, Rock And Roll All Nite, Let Me Go Rock And Roll

26 Jan 1976 Mon in Detroit, MI @  Cobo Arena

Deuce Strutter, Cmon And Love Me, Hotter Than Hell, Firehouse, She- Jam #49 – Guitar Solo, Parasite, Nothin To Lose, Bass Solo- 100,000 Years -Drum Solo, Black Diamond, Cold Gin, Rock And Roll All Nite, Let Me Go Rock And Roll

1976: Destroyer Tour: April 1976 to October 1976

Detroit Rock City

King Of The Nighttime World

Let Me Go Rock N Roll

God Of Thunder

Sweet Pain

Ace Solo

Shout It Out Loud


Nothin To Lose

Watchin You -Peter Drum Solo

Do You Love Me

Flaming Youth



Black Diamond

Rock And Roll All Nite

Cold Gin- Ace Solo

Hotter Than Hell

10 July 1976 Sat. in Jersey City, NJ. @ Roosevelt Stadium

Detroit Rock City, King Of The Nighttime World, Let Me Go Rock And Roll, Hotter Than Hell, Cold Gin- Guitar Solo, Shout It Out Loud, Strutter, Nothin To Lose, Do You Love Me, Watchin You -Drum Solo, Bass Solo -God Of Thunder, Flaming Youth, Deuce, Firehouse, Black Diamond, Rock And Roll All Nite

13 August 1976 Fri. in Houston, TX. @ The Summit

Detroit Rock City, King Of The Nighttime World, Let Me Go Rock And Roll, Strutter, Hotter Than Hell, Shout It Out Loud, Cold Gin- Guitar Solo, Nothin To Lose, Do You Love Me, Bass Solo -God Of Thunder – Drum Solo,  Rock And Roll All Nite, Deuce, Firehouse, Black Diamond

20 Aug 1976 Fri. in Anaheim, CA. @ Anaheim Stadium

Detroit Rock City, King Of The Nighttime World, Let Me Go Rock And Roll, Strutter, Hotter Than Hell, Nothin To Lose, Cold Gin- Guitar Solo, Shout It Out Loud, Do You Love Me, Bass Solo -God Of Thunder – Drum Solo,  Rock And Roll All Nite, Deuce, Firehouse, Black Diamond

1976-77 Rock And Roll Over Tour: November 1976 to April 1977

Detroit Rock City

Take Me

Let Me Go Rock N Roll

Ladies Room


Makin Love

I Want You

Cold Gin

Ace Solo

Do You Love Me

Nothin To Lose

God Of Thunder

Peter Drum Solo

Rock And Roll All Nite

Shout It Out Loud


Black Diamond

Love Em And Leave Em

Hard Luck Woman

Calling Dr. Love

19 Dec 1976 Sun. in Landover (Largo), Maryland @ Capital Center

Detroit Rock City, Take Me, Let Me Go Rock And Roll, Firehouse, Do You love Me, Ladies Room, Hard Luck Woman, I Want You, Bass Solo- God Of Thunder – Drum Solo, Cold Gin, Shout It Out Loud, Rock And Roll All Nite, Beth, Black Diamond

28 Jan 1977 Fri. in Detroit, MI. @  Cobo Arena

Detroit Rock City, Take Me, Let Me Go Rock And Roll, Ladies Room, Firehouse, Makin Love, I Want You, Cold Gin -Guitar Solo, Do you Love Me, Nothin To Lose, Bass Solo -God Of Thunder -Drum Solo, Rock And Roll All Nite, Shout It Out Loud, Beth, Black Diamond

29 Jan 1977 Sat. Detroit, Michigan, Cobo Arena (Same As Above) 

18 Feb 1977 Fri. in New York, NY. @ Madison Square Garden

Detroit Rock City, Take Me, Let Me Go Rock And Roll, Ladies Room, Firehouse, Makin Love, Cold Gin -Guitar Solo, I Want You, Do you Love Me, Nothin To Lose, Bass Solo -God Of Thunder -Drum Solo, Rock And Roll All Nite, Shout It Out Loud, Beth, Black Diamond

2 Apr 1977 Sat in Tokyo, Japan @ Budokan

Detroit Rock City, Take Me, Let Me Go Rock And Roll, Ladies Room, Firehouse, Makin Love, I Want You, Cold Gin -Guitar Solo, Do you Love Me, Nothin To Lose, Bass Solo -God Of Thunder -Drum Solo, Rock And Roll All Nite, Shout It Out Loud, Beth, Black Diamond

1977: Love Gun Tour: July 1977 to September 1977

(Alive II: Nov 1977 to May 1978)

I Stole Your Love

Take Me

Ladies Room


Love Gun


Christine Sixteen

Makin Love

Shock Me 

Ace Solo

I Want You

Calling Dr. Love

Shout It Out Loud

God Of Thunder

Peter Solo

Rock And Roll All Nite

Detroit Rock CIty


Black Diamond

1 Sep 1977 Thurs. in Houston @ The Summit,

I Stole Your Love, Take Me, Ladies Room, Firehouse, Love Gun, Hooligan, Makin Love, Christine Sixteen, Shock Me -Guitar Solo, I Want You Calling Dr. Love, Shout It Out Loud, Bass Solo- God Of Thunder -Drum Solo, Rock And Roll All Nite, Detroit Rock City, Beth, Black Diamond

2 Sep 1977 Fri. in Houston, Texas, The Summit (Same As Above)

20 Dec 1977 Tues. in Landover (Largo), Maryland @ Capital Center

I Stole Your Love, King Of The Nighttime World, Ladies Room, Firehouse, Love Gun, Let Me Go Rock And Roll, Makin Love, Christine Sixteen, Shock Me -Guitar Solo, I Want You, Calling Dr. Love, Shout It Out Loud, Bass Solo- God Of Thunder -Drums Solo, Rock And Roll All Nite, Detroit Rock City, Beth, Black Diamond


1979: Dynasty Tour: June 1979 to December 1979

King Of The Nighttime World


Move On 

Calling Dr. Love


New York Groove

I Was Made For Lovin You

Love Gun

2000 MAn

Ace Solo

Tossin And Turnin

God Of Thunder

Peter Solo

Shout It Out Loud

Black Diamond

Detroit Rock City


Rock And Roll All Nite

Makin Love

Christine Sixteen


7 July 1979 Sat. in Landover (Largo), Maryland @ in  Capital Centre

King Of The Nighttime World, Radioactive, Move On, Calling Dr. Love, Firehouse, New York Groove, I Was Made For Lovin You, Love Gun, 2000 Man- Guitar Solo, Tossin And Turnin, Bass Solo- God Thunder -Drum Solo, Shout It Out Loud, Black Diamond, Detroit Rock City, Beth, Rock And Roll All Nite

If you would like to learn more about KISS check out my numerous articles on KISS at RosevillePatch.Com from my forthcoming Book: “Send In The Klowns” 

“Hotter Than Hell” April 2012 #13

“KISS 40th” June  2013 #27

“Destroyer” October 2013 #31

“Ace Frehley Solo” November 2014 #44

“Wicked Lester” December 2014 #45

“The Elder” September 2015 #54

“Peter Criss Solo” January 2016 #58

“KISSin Time” December 2016 #69

“Dressed To Kill” January 2017 #70

“Paul Stanley Solo” June 2019 #100

“KISS Facts” February 2020 #108


Check out Mr. Zer0’s PsychoGello Show (WDGY):

@ www.MrZeroS.Com -Podcast

“KISS Alive” July 2017 #2

“KISS Album Cuts” July 2018 #49

“Ace Frehley Solo” September 2018 #62 & #62-E: featuring Candice of KQ92

“Peter Criss Solo” December 2018 #72

“Paul Stanley Solo” June 2019 #99

“Gene $immons Solo” July 2019 #103

“KISS The Hits” 13 December 2020 7am WDGY Episode #171


Mr. Zer0’s Evolation Show (WFNU):

@ MixCloud.Com – MrZeros /Evolation

“Evolation of: KISS”  August 2019 #3


If you would like to know what Songs “KISSin Time” plays in concert, go to our “fb” KISSin Time MPLS and look in the “Photo Albums” section there is info on almost every show we have ever performed.


Until next month … MrZerr0


Mr. Zer0’s *Est. 2009

1744 Lexington Ave. N.

Roseville,MN. 55113 

  1. 489. 0207


“Nerd Is The Word” 

Hear on air Radi0:
WDGY: 7am Sunday

WFNU: Wed. Noon & 8am Fri.

and Every 3rd Mon. 8am

19 Dec 2020 Sat 8pm

Des Moines, Iowa

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